Do you smell like Him?

Photo by Leonardo Luz on

A picture of my cookie dough popped up on my phone some days ago, and I recalled how I used to bake and sell homemade cookies. I always got excited about baking because of the wonderful smell in the kitchen and throughout the house. The entire house would have this buttery (bakery) smell and anyone who walked in would long to have a taste.

Homemade cookies are the best. You can tweak and bake them in any flavours you like and to your preference. The texture and taste of cookies when baked with butter (also depending on the kind) takes the cookie taste to another level.  My cookies (may not meet the standards of a store-bought one but) were heavenly, CRUMBLY, buttery, sweet, crispy on the outside, and soft on the inside, with dark chocolates in every bite. It melts in the mouth and you can’t resist finishing a box. Uh la, la 🍪

By the way, just sucking in the smell of homemade cookies is enough to make you finish a box.

Now that I have successfully enticed you into imagining the taste and smell of the cookies, listen to the words of Apostle Paul;

“For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are an aroma that brings death; to the other, an aroma that brings life. And who is equal to such a task?”

When Paul was reminding believers about their fragrance, he wasn’t using the analogy of cookies like me. He may have been using the analogy of perfume or something to remind the believers that their faith in Christ and the preaching of the gospel – truth – spread the life-giving fragrance of Christ. That sweet aroma led many to receive a new life. Paul did not hesitate to tell them they would either attract many to the Lord or repel those who hated the truth.

In analysing the metaphor used by Paul, I am reminded, as a believer in Christ, that my life should emit a delightful aroma, drawing others towards Christ.

I will provide an additional perspective in this post.

Imagine walking into a bakery and the baker mixing a large dough for “human-shaped cookies.” And the baker tells you the ingredients used include iniquitous flavours like gossip, malice, lust, deceit, lies, anger, pride, etc. Wouldn’t you dissuade the baker from using such ingredients – considering that the putrid smell will prevent potential customers from entering the bakery? The baker doesn’t take your advice but goes ahead to make it. Imagine the final products…

As you picture this, can I tell you that today, we believers must consider our smell. We cannot walk around with offensive, lustful and worldly aromas or fragrances and expect to draw people to Christ. We should walk into a village, office, house, street, etc and soak up the place with a smell that makes the unsaved hungry for what we have. The atmosphere of our city should smell like the ever-living, pleasant scent of Christ that delivers neighbours, families and friends from the stinking scent of sin and death. Let those who scrunch their noses do so only because our lives remind them of their rebelliousness and hatred of the truth.

Consider the fragrance you wear around.

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