Starting on a clean Slate:)

I promised to do some blog posts on my weight loss journey. I actually wrote a post early in June when I started- on May 25th- what I call a “new lifestyle”. I have decided to post the mail so we all know where I’m coming from. At the moment, I have lost quite some inches and a few kilograms. I hope I can be as detailed as possible in subsequent post. Please read 🙂

Last week, I found myself on a certain famous page on facebook found by ladies who were tired of their plus sizes. I was very challenged to see women go from plus sizes to medium size. I began to think of doing something to the extra pounds I added after having my baby. When she was three months, I decided to go on a diet(which was very selfish of me because I was still feeding exclusively). I went off junks, cut down and almost went off carbs. I was eating more veggies, fruits, proteins and drinking a lot of water. As expected, my flow of breast milk reduced. Infact, I realised then that she was always crying for food. I knew what the problem was after checking her weight as we went for her immunisation. She added very little weight which the nurse said was fine for her age. But I had expected she would weigh more at that age. At four months, I thought to introduce formula when I noticed I was not lactating well. I remember lying awake one particular night feeling so frustrated because my milk wasn’t flowing like before and my baby’s demands for food was increasing by the day. I went to the kitchen to look for food to eat because I couldn’t sleep well. I felt I was having insomnia as a result of starving myself. From that day on, I decided to eat well but in controlled portions.

I broke my eating rules either going over board or nibbling some junk food. In December, I had a lot of meat and in March, I really feasted on my birthday cake :). Some friends would tell me, indulge just once, eat just for today, and all. I think I took it too far since I had a target, to eat in bits, stay off junks and achieve maintaining a particular weight till I wean my baby. I cannot tell you how much weight I gained from then on. I’m so sure – contrary to the idea that its my big bones swinging the scale – the weight is as a result of an unbalanced meal plan.

Sometime in November, I started moderate exercises. I limited my exercises to 15minutes brisk walk, squats and skipping. I was skeptical about doing crunches because of my incision. I had read online how several women hit the gym 8 weeks after delivery especially after medical checks with their doctors. I didn’t attempt any stomach exercises to avoid any stress around that spot. Occasionally, I felt slight pain around there so I didn’t bother checking with a Doctor if I could go ahead with such strenuous exercises. Once, I felt a tingling sensation around my incision after skipping, I abandoned skipping and kept to brisk walks. I reasoned that some exercise could wait till the wound heals completely. I was also very inconsistent with the brisk walks, because bumping into puddles with a baby in hand wasn’t something we could both cope with. Exercises are sweeter on smooth,well tarred roads. Last month, I started cycling thrice a week but couldn’t keep up because it entailed living baby at home with her Daddy.

I’m done making excuses, so I’ve hit my own indoor gym with skips, cardio exercises and strength training. I am equally eating clean. I have been on this weight loss program for too long and I’ve fallen off the cart severally. I have never liked the idea of shopping in a plus size shop and I’m still running from that idea hence making my body accountable by subjecting it to hard work. I’m determined and this time, I’m shedding off all the unwanted fat. No more excuses!!!

Compliments,yes baby is growing

Some months ago, when my baby was between four and seven months, some people usually spoke of how small she was for her age. That used to get to me and I would wonder what to do. It was also one reason I almost stopped the exclusive breastfeeding because it seemed she wasn’t getting enough of the breastmilk. That in itself wasn’t true because I practically used to empty my breast to avoid engorgement, I ensured she had enough and she would suck and suck and suck till her stomach shifts. However, I’ve read that unlike formula, breastmilk is light,it digest quickly so the baby sucks as much as she needs per time and ask for more in no time. I agree formula fills up a baby, its convenient and eases moms who cannot keep up with breast feeding, either because they are not lactacting or have to go back to work. I believe the exclusive feeding was very convenient for me, nutritious and filling for my baby. I also know some moms who exclusively fed for six months and their babies added so much weight.

My baby who turned eleven months over the weekend, now eats fairly well(but she’s not a heavy eater) and I’ve been told “she’s such a healthy baby”, “she’s chubby”, “she’s put on weight” and what have you. I smile with appreciation wishing I had never worried months back. I remember asking one or two medical personnels on different occasions if her weight was fine for her age and they kept saying she’s growing very well. Because she wasn’t fat nor did she have rings and flabs all over her body didn’t mean she wasn’t healthy. I noticed she grew and is still growing in height.

All babies are unique and different, some grow in height and others in weight. And still some add lots of weight and height at the same time. This is how I got to know about the Centile chart.

Right now, I’m really so grateful to God for the growth. To think that she has moments and days she won’t want to eat her cereals but depend on breast milk makes me wonder… Yesterday, a friend of ours kept commenting on the my baby’s sudden weight gain and was telling her not to grow too big. I chuckled and told the woman she hardly eats that much. In fact, she goes cold turkey on food. Its so amazing. We thank God for eleven good months and look forward to more ahead of us.