Dear watcher

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Dear watcher and intercessor

…. So the Lord relented – Amos 7: 3 and 6

You are the city guard.

You are called – both men and women by the Lord- to oversee and keep an eye like a spy over the city. (Ezekiel 33)

You watch over many hearts and lives, people, and nations. 

You’re a mediator, a go-between and a negotiator. 

You carry an important mandate which you will be contended by the enemy.

Dear intercessor, when you keep going to God on behalf of an unsaved person or city, etc, know that you’re contending for a soul(s) whom the enemy has tied up in bondage to sin and every other questionable behavioural pattern. It’s warfare for one or many souls that can and will be snatched out of the fire of oppression and bondage (Jude vs 22 and 23)

You, the intercessor, must be a man/woman of deep compassion. Have a tender heart for the people you pray for. You must never do it from a place of pride (holier than thou), condemnation, and the like.

You, the intercessor as Prophet Joel said, “must weep and groan between the porch and the altar” until righteousness is seen in the earth or in a person’s life.

Dear intercessor, you must pray with deeper understanding. As you allow God to use you to mediate on someone or people’s or a nation’s behalf, He will reveal deep things to you. (Romans 8:26-27, Amos 3:7, Amos 7:1-6)

Like the woman in Luke 18, you must persist, persevere and never give up even if the situation looks dire. There are times it may feel discouraging to pray for certain persons, especially when immediate change doesn’t come. But your job is to keep going before the righteousness judge, albeit change isn’t imminent. KEEP PRESSING IN! 

Dear watcher and intercessor, please avoid anger, unforgiveness and sin. Avoid being a talebearer. What you’re privy to must not be used to lampoon the lost. It’s not for gossip purposes or anything in that order. You don’t want Satan to hold any accusations against you or the one we pray for.

The watchman/woman must be vigilant! Continue to intervene on behalf of the truth. Be selfless. Keep watch over the city. Guard and stay alert at all times, with God’s help alone.

May the Lord continue to help you keep watch and stay lowly as you carry this “delicate” and important call in Jesus’s name, amen.

From your fellow watcher.

Lessons from my cactus plant

Photo by Stefano Photography on

We had a lovely small cactus pot on the coffee table in our living room. Occasionally, I’d water it and for a season I’d let it grow on the moisture in it. Then, I forgot to water it for a long time, considering it’s a plant that doesn’t need much water. Through the period I wasn’t watering it, the plant looked good. Meanwhile, I had also planned to transplant it to a bigger pot. But I thought. Hey, don’t worry, the plant is just fine in the small pot.

One morning, I noticed the plant was bent and shrinking. The “bulb” had detached itself from the root. I quickly watered it and did everything from that day to save the cactus. But it was too late. The Cactus changed colour from green to brown and dried up.

That experience brought a spiritual principle to mind.

As believers in Christ, we are supposed to water ourselves daily with the word of God. The word – I’d stress here – is Christ. “It is in Him we live; we move and have our being.” God’s word is a spring or river. It’s the sole source for a balanced, healthy life. Better put, the word of God is our well-being.

Unlike the cactus, we shouldn’t go a day, let alone days, without drinking copious amounts of the word.

When we aren’t nurturing ourselves in God’s presence daily, we lose the moisture that comes from being with him. When we do not constantly water our lives, souls, and minds with the word of God, we become more and more stunted and detached from the root or call it the source of life.

Then we shrink into a permanent state of despair and famine.

This life is proving daily it has little comfort outside of Christ. Life is tough. Troubles spring up daily to snuff out our faith. We cannot overcome fear, or temptations by physical will.

So what must we all do?

(Make it personal!) Drink, drink and eat enough – of the word daily – and satisfy your soul with the word. With it, you’d stay alive and green.

The knowledge and wisdom in the word will keep you strong and courageous.

The power in the word will help you win the battles against all evil.

By the word, you will outgrow every temptation, lies, deceit and attraction this world offers.

By the word, you will become more like Christ.

“Spend time by the spring and drink until you thirst no more.”