Its one year.

Children, or babies they do grow fast and faster than moms ever figured out. I’m one mom who took a day at a time, never in a hurry but expectant! I knew that one day she would sit, crawl, stand and then walk. Yes, I looked forward to each milestone but I didn’t make a force out of it neither did I say I can’t wait for her to do this or that. I wanted to enjoy every bit of here and now…
Oh well, its her first birthday, we’ve been looking forward to this day. Truly, I understand how moms feel when their children add another year. I am so happy especially when I cast my mind back to 27th August 2012. It was such an amazing experience coated with mixed feelings of joy and also frustration or disappointment(in myself, delay in baby’s coming and method of childbirth). Consequently, God had to show me somethings to make me joyful. Six days after I had my baby, we went back to the clinic to process her birth certificate. My husband and I were seated in a lounge for my brother when two women walked in and were making enquiries. I could hear so clearly as they discussed with the medical personnel and when they were done, I tapped my husband to ask if he was listening. He was engrossed in the book he was reading so I told him all I heard. One of the women had just lost her grandchild, her daughter lost her baby so she needed to know procedures of taking the corpse and all. Pathetic, isn’t it? It was good I heard so I could smack out of my system every tint of complain and frustration for having my baby via CS. What’s wrong with a CS I ask? If some cannot have natural birth then it would either be assisted or through some other method. We have a lot of negative beliefs about CS in this part of the world which I won’t discuss here.

So, here I am, a mom of a yummy, cuddly, cutie and healthy one year old. I have so many things to be thankful for even though motherhood came on me with a bang, with little help, naivety, sleeplessness and some boredom :). However, I am sooooooo happy to be a mom, who has an affectionate, loving and active child, who is also clingy. She loves attention, enjoys the cuddles and petting and I’m at my best here, giving her as much love as I can dole out :).

Happy Birthday to my yummy baby, we look forward to more adventure together. We also believe God to make us faithful custodians, who will do his will and his will ALONE in the lives of our children.


At almost one year

My daughter will be a year old in five days time. How time flies! She has grown so fast in one year. Just where did that baby I cuddled around go to? I ask myself. Anyway, there’s no room for stagnation. Bible says; “and Jesus grew in favour, wisdom and in stature before God and man.” I’m thankful to our Father in Heaven for the tremendous growth all on sides.

Since she started walking in July, I’ve seen a very interesting side of her. When people told me I should get ready to chase her round the house, they were not exaggerating. I have to watch out for almost everything she does. One minute there’s a piece of paper, thread or nylon in her another minute she’s climbing our bed and walking on it,flinging clothes on the floor, climbing the couch and throwing down the cushions, opening the Kitchen cupboard and bringing out whatever her hands can reach, and lots more. Huh! Interesting phase but my work just begun…lol
Yesterday, after she had thrown all the cushions on the floor, I guess she tried to push them around like a toddle truck but ended up hitting her head on the floor. She cried for so long so a friend of ours carried and cuddled her. I was going between the kitchen and sitting room when this happened and her Dad didn’t notice. Later in the evening, we noticed a bump on her forehead. Dad gave her Paracetamol and we massaged with a balm. She’s fine now as she’s walking and babbling all over the house.
The amazing thing in her gaits is the energy she expends. If I can walk round the house like her daily, I will be as slim as ever lol.
Oh! she’s TALKING! She babbles, choruses and hums round the house. This is clearly one of the sweetest part of her milestone. To hear her say; “tanchu” for “thank you”, “Yech” for “Yes”; “ko” for “go”; “ba-bye” for goodbye and lots more. I’m hoping to do a post on all the words she has spoken so far.