
Photo by Fernanda De Freitas on Pexels.com

Many children enjoy hugs, even adults also do. Wives love, love cuddles, especially from their husbands. Anyway, who doesn’t love hugs? But let’s zoom in on children. A child needs a hug when she’s happy, excited, hurting, sick, etc. Children know their parents or guardians are safe nests they can hide in succour in secure arms. No wonder they are so vulnerable and unsuspecting and suffer attacks from dishonest people. 

My two children have shown me an attribute the Lord, our Father desires from his people. Dependence. Total surrender and reliance. We do not only go to the Lord for physical hugs; we go to him always and stay/enjoy His presence (believers are always in his presence.) We lean and look totally at Him in times of trouble -not only in troubled times but always. We can trust him to be there for us always. Because he is an ever-present help. Never leaving or forsaking us-especially when we stay faithful to him. Wrap yourself in Him.


Wrapped in your arms, Father
your embrace refreshes and revives me from within
healing oil flows from my scraped head to my scaly feet,
covered my sore back, chest and sides with your
under your shelter, I flourish
grow green and full of life
refreshed to live in victory.
the accuser is crafty, my redeemer is greater,
restoring my soul, spirit, and body.
In my guardian-redeemer
I’m safe
Your wraparound arms and succour me against wrath,
fear and the nether world.
© Enobong O’wunmi

A father’s gift

Dear Father(s),

Thank you for all your efforts in leading as a prophet, priest, and provider. Your sacrifices, commitment, and dedication don’t go unnoticed.

Keep up the excellent work as you continue to fulfil your God-given roles and carry out your priestly and fatherly responsibilities.

May you be everything that God intends for you to be. May you be a godly example for boys and young men around you.

I am dedicating these words to you with love. Check it out here (tap the link): https://selar.co/p691h7/